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Pool Pics

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hah that skatepark bowl looks easy to ride, ive found most actual backyard pools are a real bitch to ride, tight as fuck transitions and corners with loads of vert. maybe thats just the building style over here, trying to maximise volume/depth when building pools in tight spaces

Posted this one before on the previous page, but figured i would post another. This one I shot on the RB67.
Still haven't cleaned this one out, this summer i'll find some time.

jesus fuck, watching a riding buddy ride one those square hotel pools, 4 tiny feet of tranny, 4 huge feet of vert.
he hits it
slowly arcing over the coping
glides stright down the vert
within a matter of microseconds he hits the tranny and is immediately riding forward, no head ripped off from the G's holy fuck looks like hes going to knock all his teeth out on the crossbar.

fucking two pocket airs in a row, first one his backtire is past his forehead, he rides straight down and doesnt die
does it again and this time cases the fuck out of the coping, like 6inches in halfway to a disaster and he rides straight down and out of it again, not dead. holey moley fucking butthole

heres a video of him eating it at 1:40


--- Quote from: blueee on February 05, 2015, 01:14:15 AM ---jesus fuck, watching a riding buddy ride one those square hotel pools, 4 tiny feet of tranny, 4 huge feet of vert.
he hits it
slowly arcing over the coping
glides stright down the vert
within a matter of microseconds he hits the tranny and is immediately riding forward, no head ripped off from the G's holy fuck looks like hes going to knock all his teeth out on the crossbar.

fucking two pocket airs in a row, first one his backtire is past his forehead, he rides straight down and doesnt die
does it again and this time cases the fuck out of the coping, like 6inches in halfway to a disaster and he rides straight down and out of it again, not dead. holey moley fucking butthole

heres a video of him eating it at 1:40

--- End quote ---

The way you describe that makes it sound sooooo fucking fun.

I've been looking around my area, but vinyl lined pools dominate this area.  There's a shitty hotel near me that I've been waiting like 3 years to close, but somehow those assholes keep clinging on. I've never seen more than one or two cars there.


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