The Street > The Bike Shop

finally new powerbites.

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F#ck you Primo!


Because Brian Foster, that's why.


--- Quote from: Thomas031 on October 14, 2014, 07:40:43 AM ---
--- Quote from: BilboBaggins on October 13, 2014, 07:43:46 PM ---I don't think anyone bought them to tell you how it went. Ask seth kimbrough

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Lol hahah. He's still our reli-rock hero though!

--- Quote from: dude... on October 14, 2014, 04:20:17 AM ---
i nearly threw up when i saw these. 2 piece powerbites? arreeeeeuuuurrrrrghhhhhhhh fuck you primo
these new ones are disgusting though, another colossal primo fail

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I don't really see where you're coming from. But i respect your point of view nonetheless.

It's just, they look 99,9% like the old powerbites, which imho weren't badly designed or shaped. You just need to like alloy cranks.
So to me,  saying those look disgusting is saying any power/hollowbite looks disgusting.

That's opinion. But what is so fail about it?
I don't see how there's anything wrong with 2-piece since everybody and their dog are producing 2 piece cranks.

The 2 piece design allows for these nice big hollow axles, and without these axles your cranks are nót going to sell these days.
Basically it's reduced in weight, while maintaining strength, plus they've updated the crankarm connecting interface to something that is going to outperform the previous design.

Doesn't sound bad to me. 

Your maintenance rules are right on, if you have 'old school' power/hollowbites; not a bad thing to say about it.
But the industry moved on to bigger and better things, Primo adjusted their design to the specs of todays consumers, and kept it looking like the same stuff.

If you ask me, apart from knowing how the inserts perfom, i'd say Primo did a good job on 'keeping up' 3 years late.
JUST like with their first female cassette.

That's a whole other story though, not smart but regardless, i still like to think Primo is a good company heh heh.

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its pretty pointless making a crankset that was designed as a 3pc into a 2pc. for years after i started the only 2pc crank out was some dodgy sounding khe one, they were a joke. its only cos of wombolts (which were designed to be 2pc from the start) that they became viable again.

the main downside is for sprocket removal/replacement, if you run your sprocket on the side of the cranks with the fixed arm, you have to take the whole thing out to replace it.
this also goes for adjusting crankarm/bb spacing etc. might not be an issue for many people but its a definite inferiority of 2pc cranks compared to 3pc.

theres also the point that if you have an issue with a 3pc crank arm, its possible to fit a replacement easily. if you stuff up the fixed arm on a 2pc you pretty much might as well buy a whole new set of cranks

plus now it seems like the majority of companys are moving to splined sprockets in a 22mm or 24mm interface, so in fact primo are not really tailoring their range to what the consumers want.

what i hate most is the aesthetics. over the last few years primo has taken some of its most trusted and revered classic parts and redesigned them making a mockery of them.
the remix with the piddley piss weak bearings in it, and now this. Primo were THE shit back 10-15 years back (before odyssey really stepped up their game), and now they come out with a load of nasty looking inferior remakes of their old parts, and rasta complete wheels. apparently the new V monster is decent, though it might as well not be a vmonster as they ditched the classic tread design

i wonder how long primo will last, seems like tips plus is gonna make way more money off stranger and cult because those are the sort of brands kids want to buy, irrespective of how good their products actually are. engineering stands for nothing in bmx because of the adolescent consumerbase who wants stuff with weed references and half assed illuminate imagery

It looks like the only thing is shares with any previous primo cranks is the basic arm profile, id say they were designed to be 2pc...?

Possibly resolved the pedal inserts.
Splined axle, so that should reduce the creaking.
The clamp area on the arm is now a more regular thickness, ie no axle corners on the top/bottom - so that should stop the breakages that occurred there across there.
Half as many interfaces to worry about.


--- Quote from: Narcoleptic Insomniac on October 14, 2014, 02:13:29 PM ---Seriously. Once the pedal insert gets sorted out with some loctite Powerbites are pretty much fool proof.

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You are seriously underestimating the level of fool that is out there.

My Powerbites were good for a long time, sure the pedal insert unscrewed everytime you removed a pedal, but it stopped after a while (never came all the way out) and then the pedal came free and then you could put a new one in (but then I always coppaslipped my pedal threads), they were sometimes a bit tight to remove (slight pinching) but I never snapped off the pinch bolt lugs like some people. Really the only issues (for me) were the weight and ankle bite.



--- Quote from: MEAT on October 15, 2014, 06:02:53 AM ---It looks like the only thing is shares with any previous primo cranks is the basic arm profile, id say they were designed to be 2pc...?

Possibly resolved the pedal inserts.
Splined axle, so that should reduce the creaking.
The clamp area on the arm is now a more regular thickness, ie no axle corners on the top/bottom - so that should stop the breakages that occurred there across there.
Half as many interfaces to worry about.

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so stupid when they designed the hollowbites with angular edges. one of the main things people disliked about powerbites was hitting their ankles on them, so hey lets make them sharper and more pointy.
primo dropped the ball years ago now i think about it, i heard the n4fl or whatever the flangeless hub was called wobbles more than a profile, and then someone died when his primo bars snapped on a landing while riding dirt-he had a helmet on too


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