The Street > The Bike Shop

finally new powerbites.

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I think this design beats the older design.

Square axle was prone to (yes, i've seen it happen) rounding off and allowing for play.
Axle bolts got stuck in crankarm when tightening our crankarm.
Therefore cranks would be prone to wobble if not mounted correctly.
Circular axle with crude splines will likely perform better than square and allows for hollow 22/24/25mm axle. Yayy

Moreover, i can't get used to my swaying tubular cranks after having ridden my first 2nd hand powerbite set for 8 years.
Feels like i'm fuckfooted now.

I saw the new Eclat alloy cranks and just hated the fact that they have a offset/sway just like tubular.
Loved my powerbites man.

The insert design is another issue. I don't know how much companies it takes to get a decent alloy crank design out there but it seems like since the first 'inserted' powerbites, things only went downhill with user experiences.

Really hoping this will not be another year of ignored design flaws for Primo.
Good company imho but if you ignore problems for that long.. that's just dumb.

EDIT: Does anybody know how the other brands (Shadow, any more?) did with their insert designs the last couple years? From what i've heard...

I don't think anyone bought them to tell you how it went. Ask seth kimbrough

the shadow cranks should have been named horrid cranks.

i just slapped some powerbites on my bike and jumped high as fuck on some dirt jumps. thank god for not having to worry about faulty chromo cranks.

Prodigal Son:
I've got a pair of those shadow cranks. They're good.

Once the insert comes out if the shadow cranks you cant fix them like you can with primos.  You also cant get another replacement arm. So you break you have to get new cranks.


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