The Street > The Bike Shop

Keychain help

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My observations on the keychain:

They are crazy sensitive to being too tight, and make a ton of noise if they are.  I run mine just barely tight enough to not slap.

They need to be lubed straight out the box.  I use that wax like chain lube you get at Walmart.

They creak if the master links are too tight.  I back mine off about a quarter turn from fully snug.  But I also check it pretty regularly to make sure its not loose.

I have one of the first batch and I love it.

I got mine working pretty good now rode it for the first time today mine was lubed up nice when I got it. got the master link had tight I think I also have the new bach I just got it 3 days ago.

I have a first batch hollow keychain and it is fucken legit. I run it super tight and use loads of pedal pressure. Also, it is rusted to hell. And you know what? It runs like a champ! No odd sounds or roughness at all!

Why's it rusted up already?  Did you leave it outside in the rain or something?

I'm about to purchase a keychain for one of my bikes to test it out and see how it works I think. 

Im waiting for my new build to get one:(


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