The Street > The Bike Shop

Keychain help

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--- Quote from: Bunky on November 08, 2014, 06:24:44 PM ---Why's it rusted up already?  Did you leave it outside in the rain or something?

I'm about to purchase a keychain for one of my bikes to test it out and see how it works I think.

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Traveling for shows I have my bike on the bikerack outside my car. Sucks getting rained on but eh, a little water never hurt anything

Still, be wary of rust though.

Parts can still fail when allowed to rust.

Remember that forks cranks frames can rust from the inside out as well :)


--- Quote from: Thomas031 on November 08, 2014, 09:55:05 PM ---Still, be wary of rust though.

Parts can still fail when allowed to rust.

Remember that forks cranks frames can rust from the inside out as well :)

--- End quote ---

Right on bro, that makes good sense. Thanks!

I <3 Gore.:
Because I am lazy and don't want to make a duplicate thread. The link next to the half master-link exploded, sending my master-link, half-link and several rollers flying. The chain is maybe a month old and gets ridden mostly to and from class and the grocery store. Why does it cost 10 dollars plus shipping every time you break the chain? WHY?

Alice Glass:

--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on November 06, 2014, 08:26:19 PM ---So, you're saying... User error?

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Never in hell have I ever had problems using my old hub/sprocket combo after getting a new chain, whether its a kmc/shadow/cult/sram. This whole "user error, our customers are retarded" way of thinking G has is getting ridiculous.


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