The Street > The Bike Shop

Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?

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--- Quote from: LeonLikesToRock on November 21, 2014, 12:55:34 AM ---
--- Quote from: Cellmember on November 20, 2014, 10:59:32 PM ---Seems like way to much work just to have that affect plus the added cost on it isn't really worth it in my opinion.

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I agree but it doesn't mean it shouldn't be offered. Plenty of dudes are stoked on it.

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I mean if you don't mind the added $300 on top of the $400 frame and I'm just talking about the frame here, I have no idea what the cost is for parts, then yeah go for it, but it is ridiculous at the moment and I agree it does look "cool" and like Spev said once more and more companies use it and time goes on it will eventually drop down in price just like everything else.

Yeah, I personally think it is mad to spend that kind of money on a finish. I just want to clear that I don't think anybody is being ripped off or anything. It is just a choice for those that want it. Although there is a price difference, it is the same idea as paying more for a chrome finish.

The finish certainly turns heads. If you see one in person it is pretty dope.

It is done on a kind of carousel, like a big vertical cylinder with a shaft up the middle, that rotates. You can fit a fuck load of stems or hubs or whatever in there, but probably only something like three frames at a time maximum. So it ends up being too expensive to be practical on frames unless you ramp the price up like this...


I <3 Gore.:

--- Quote from: montymitch on November 20, 2014, 10:25:08 PM ---Yeah, if it's made out of Au, $300 extra is a bargain, but it's probably too heavy to really ride.

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2-Hip Pork what?

Prodigal Son:
Au is gold dude.


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