The Street > The Bike Shop

Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?

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It was cool when odyssey did it,black or raw frame and oil slick hubs+stem looked sweet.
but £150 colony rims and £500 frames are not cool and horribley overpriced.   

I wonder if a similar process could be achieved by HD ? Surely the cost and time it took would be considerably less.


--- Quote from: Cellmember on November 22, 2014, 12:36:44 AM ---I wonder if a similar process could be achieved by HD ? Surely the cost and time it took would be considerably less.

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HD? as in hydro dipping/hydrographics? I doubt it as oil slick/rainbow finishes require chroming.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on November 21, 2014, 07:45:38 PM ---Au is gold dude.

--- End quote ---

Prodigal Son:
The 2hip pork was Al and I thought that's what he referring to. Al


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