The Street > The Bike Shop

What's your most favourite part on your bike ?

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toss up between
microknobbie tires, primopro stem, my ratchet and my s&m thin seat
definitely the thin seat


--- Quote from: blueee on November 24, 2014, 10:45:25 PM ---toss up between
microknobbie tires, primopro stem, my ratchet and my s&m thin seat
definitely the thin seat

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Oh I remember the primo pro stems, my mate had one, I was almost going to by one myself but never got around to it I liked the fact that it had the degree's on the side for your bars, did the degree's actually work or was it just for show ? I never got to test it out. How would you determine them from the back of the bar, front or center ?

Prodigal Son:
My premium pedals or tree lite sprocket.

Jesus Christ's Plastic Composite


--- Quote from: MilkyWilky on November 25, 2014, 12:41:01 AM ---Jesus Christ's Plastic Composite

--- End quote ---

I see what you did there, noice.


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