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Kylo Ren falls in love with Rey.

you guys see the snoke/vader compariosons?

After seeing the film, everyone says she is Luke's Grandaughter, I think it is more plausible that she is Obi-Wan's, especially with the whole jedi mind trick scenes.

Prodigal Son:

--- Quote from: LukeTom on January 11, 2016, 03:30:59 PM ---After seeing the film, everyone says she is Luke's Grandaughter, I think it is more plausible that she is Obi-Wan's, especially with the whole jedi mind trick scenes.

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It's ~30 years since the death of Anakin. The math in the thought of a 20 year old being a grand daughter to Luke looks worse than the Skywalker inbreeding royalty theory and is revoluting. 

As for the Snoke Vader theory, that would be fucking sweet if the First Order was using an Anakin hologram to deceive and control. Unfortunately, Kylo was going to complete training with him so...

Darth Plagius or the weird shit from Clone Wars of Mortis.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on January 10, 2016, 11:03:06 PM ---
--- Quote from: DAKINS on January 10, 2016, 09:21:27 AM ---
I'm not following your inbreeding theory, Anakin had no father, and his family tree went Schmi>Anakin/Padme>Luke.  Not a whole lot of room for anything, since only Luke and Leia were the only ones alive from that entire family.

I believe his Uncle Owen was the only other child Schmi had. He wasn't force sensitive, and also died without having any children, so I doubt Rey is any relation to that side of the family unless she is Luke's direct offspring.

Did you use a broom to reach that?  haha 

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Uncle Owen had a side piece at Mos Eisley. Which turned out to be Schmi's sister. Were the elevated midichlorian levels were recessive on both Schmi's sister and her Nephew, Owen their progeny would have dominant recessive genes for elevated midichlorian levels.

The Organa family knew about this and sent her away to Jakku to protect her from that diddler Luke. If he diddled Rey, can you imagine the force sensitive mutant?!

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--- Quote from: condrbkr on January 10, 2016, 04:28:24 PM ---
--- Quote from: DAKINS on January 10, 2016, 09:11:35 AM ---They wanted to make something that had the feeling of the original trilogy, and this accomplishes that.

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I wanna say JJ Abrams really pushed the whole 'Rey Skywalker' thing a bit too much on purpose to mislead people cause if they're gonna follow the trilogy then there has to some big shocking reveal similar to Vader 'I am your father' dealio. It's gonna be harder to shock your audience unless a second time unless you mislead them to thinking something else. It's obvious that Rey's origins will play a big deal.

--- End quote ---

I feel as if the huge climactic death scene was the "I am your Father" shocker.


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