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New Star Wars trailer.

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I'm glad I'm not a Star Wars fan...

No JJ Abrams movie is complete without the god damn mother fucking trip the light fanfuckingtastic lens flare!!!!

Black dude out in the desert in uniform - sweaty, disheveled.
White chick dressed in low key rags and possible being chased - Perfect makeup, not a bead of sweat.


--- Quote from: torontoflatlander on November 28, 2014, 07:35:49 PM ---No JJ Abrams movie is complete without the god damn mother fucking trip the light fanfuckingtastic lens flare!!!!

Black dude out in the desert in uniform - sweaty, disheveled.
White chick dressed in low key rags and possible being chased - Perfect makeup, not a bead of sweat.

--- End quote ---
i think 'black dude' (john boyega) is supposed to be scared and on the run, rumours were that his character made some bad choices and is now regretting them. also stormtrooper gear would definitely be sweatier than desert people gear.
you should be more pissed at the people getting arsey that the first person seen in the star wars trailer is a black guy.

I dont see colour that way?

I like the new light sabre.

Needs mor jar jar binks....


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