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New Star Wars trailer.

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--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on October 20, 2015, 11:08:06 PM ---Do you think the Caminoans stopped cloning after Revenge of the Sith? Because between order 66 and this is the equivalent of Luke's lifespan. If that's true, let's say that a clone's life is n/2 where n=average life of a Mandalorian, then we can assume that at the end of A New Hope the Caminoans would have had had produced another population. This seems logical because if the whole population of clones died from age, they would have to have the next series immediately ready. Having separate populations of clones ready at the half life of their previous series allows the stability of the clone army. Knowing this, either they all dropped dead after discovering Ewoks or a second populace was ready when Luke was still bragging to Ben about shooting womp rats. If that's true, then that motherfucker in the trailer is a damn mutant. Mandalorians ain't got no time to compromise their unit with dam mutants.

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I think the in canon reason is that Kaminoans just ran out of Jango DNA by the time the Clone Wars ended. I think I read that by the time of ANH about 5% of the storm troopers were clones. So, that mother fucker: Not a mutant.

I think in one of the Battlefront games Kamino created another clone army, but because of the new authoritarian rule they altered something in the DNA so the clones had complete loyalty to Kamino instead of the Empire. In response, the Empire sent veteran Clone Troopers (now Stormtroopers) to stamp out these new untested Clones. Once that was taken care of, Palpatine experimented with other DNA sources, but they never lived up to the original clones, so eventually they were fazed out.

But I'm not sure if the old Battlefront games are canon.

Prodigal Son:
DNA running out... Like they only had enough to base 1m clones?


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on October 21, 2015, 11:01:13 AM ---DNA running out... Like they only had enough to base 1m clones?

--- End quote ---

I guess, I'm second guessing that that is the canon reason. But I do know they stopped using clones.

This dude kind of touches on it.

Just nice to see a trailer that isn't a summary of the entire film.

More interested to see if like is wearing the mask or not


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