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New Star Wars trailer.

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Prodigal Son:
Fuck I am ruined by a writ I read about Abrams rehashing the same shit. Rey is Luke. Finn is Han. Bb-88 is R2D2. The shit the droid is carrying is Leia's message to Obi-wan.

I think TFA is the 2nd worst in the franchise.

Did anyone watch the Clone Wars cartoon series? There is an episode were Anakin, his padawan and Obi Wan are pulled to some crazy shit in the outer rim. Turns out to be super force family of a father, a daughter (who is light) and a son (who is dark). I wonder if Snoke is that character. 

It seemed like every fourth clip was some reference to the older movies outside the plot and all.

Rey = Obi Wan's child maybee...

Prodigal Son:
Nah, Obi Wan was abstinent gay. Remember Anakin's mom, Schmi, had other kids. The family Luke was descended from? She's gotta be some fucked up desert cousin inbreeding.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on January 04, 2016, 12:57:34 PM ---Fuck I am ruined by a writ I read about Abrams rehashing the same shit. Rey is Luke. Finn is Han. Bb-88 is R2D2. The shit the droid is carrying is Leia's message to Obi-wan.

I think TFA is the 2nd worst in the franchise.

Did anyone watch the Clone Wars cartoon series? There is an episode were Anakin, his padawan and Obi Wan are pulled to some crazy shit in the outer rim. Turns out to be super force family of a father, a daughter (who is light) and a son (who is dark). I wonder if Snoke is that character.

--- End quote ---

I see this argument often, and while I do understand that there are similarities, they aren't large enough that I'm bothered by them even a little bit. 

They wanted to make something that had the feeling of the original trilogy, and this accomplishes that.  They took aspects from all three originals and brought them into the new trilogy, it works without feeling like they just hired new actors to remake ANH.

Now, in the next movie, they can stray from that, and it will feel more like a natural progression from Jedi, instead of being completely different right off the bat, and then everyone is bitching because "it should have been more like the originals!!"

Also, Kylo Ren as a character was pretty much perfect.  He's exactly what Anakin should have been in the prequels.  He's a young, pissed off teenager who is struggling to find his place.  Now that he's had his ass handed to him and taught a lesson, we are left to wonder if he's going to come back stronger after removing his call to the light, or freak out and go on a murderous rampage at a moment's notice.  This is what you want in him as a villain, the unexpected.  You don't know what will happen from one second to the next because he is so unstable.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on January 04, 2016, 06:52:13 PM ---Nah, Obi Wan was abstinent gay. Remember Anakin's mom, Schmi, had other kids. The family Luke was descended from? She's gotta be some fucked up desert cousin inbreeding.

--- End quote ---

I'm not following your inbreeding theory, Anakin had no father, and his family tree went Schmi>Anakin/Padme>Luke.  Not a whole lot of room for anything, since only Luke and Leia were the only ones alive from that entire family.

I believe his Uncle Owen was the only other child Schmi had. He wasn't force sensitive, and also died without having any children, so I doubt Rey is any relation to that side of the family unless she is Luke's direct offspring.


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