Anyway, what's your resolution? You must be doing everything right in life to laugh at other resolutions, but omitting your own. I somehow doubt it though, the 6000 posts reinforce that lol
Took that to heart, yeah? Also, I've been here for nearly 7.5 years, of course I'm going to have a high post count. I love this site, though, I don't care if posting here daily is wrong.
I just use Instagram to follow my favorite bands and some pro riders because it kinda gives you a look into their personal lives and it's cool to see them doing things other than what they're famous for. I follow friends as well because it's nice to see what my friends are up to since I don't live close to most of them anymore. Either way, I don't really care what you think about it or whether you use it or not. It just seemed a bit silly for a New Years resolution to rule out exclusively Instagram, rather than just saying "social media altogether" or whatever but good on you for trying to change yourself for the better. More power to you.
You took a jab at me, I hit you back with a reply? Did it hurt that bad?
I don't know if you noticed, but I don't sounds like a guy with a whole lot of social media digestion. Instagram is the only one I used, unless you count BG is another. So me saying no more instagram = no more social media.
I guess you can't really rape the willing, but I still feel what you described is a little "stalkerish". Plus you don't even get a real representation of a persons life on instagram, you get to see what they choose to post. So if you think you're really seeing what you're friends are really up to, because you follow them on instagram, you're just dumb. Unless your friends post their whole life on instagram, then they're dumb. Anyway, it's my newyears resolution, "I don't really care what you think about it or whether you use it or not."
Also, I wasn't really focusing on just the number of your post, but also what you've said will signify your life is no where near perfect. So it would be expected that it wouldn't be hard for you to think of a newyears resolution. I actually think I've lurked this forum for longer then you anyway, I only started to post because this place is dying off and no one is left to say what I think. Before, if I were to post it would just be regurgitation what has been said already, but now the numbers are few, so it's up to me to bring the salt for the meal.