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--- Quote ---Nigel Sylvester might be BMX's most recognizable figure, but his life and career are anything but typical of the sport. From starting his own clothing line to putting out videos featuring French Montana, the BMX pro has carved out a personal brand within a culture that values staying insular. In this VICE Sports exclusive, we follow Nigel across the country to see where he came from and where the sport is taking him next. Catch Part 1 and Part 2 later this month on VICE Sports.
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It would be great if Vice did an Epicly Later'd style series for BMXers, so this is slightly encouraging. Sadly I doubt this will happen but if it did features on Edwin, Hamdog, Ruben, Van, Joe Rich and maybe a contemporary street assassin like Dak or Garrett Reynolds would be the way to go. Or perhaps bona fide nutcases would make for more interesting viewing (Gabe Brooks, Sean Burns), I dunno.

Nigel's a decent rider (although a whole host of street stunters are way more interesting to watch) but I am fed up with the boring narrative we have to hear every few months. I also don't feel like he's advancing BMX very much, other than maybe giving it a bit more exposure to the mainstream.   

Yeah he fits in more with rappers. Maybe he will drop a mix tape and we will never have to watch him bmx again. I would be fine with that

Nigel is NYC's biggest embarrassment.

Does anyone remember in 2006 when he was just a guy riding a teal Fly Pantera that did a downside whip on a picnic table in the Animal All Day video?


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