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--- Quote from: locomotive on February 18, 2015, 02:37:00 PM ---I find this sort of weird, as nigel is "advancing" the sport and getting all this money, they end up canceling bmx street in the x games. How come "street" is getting less support as nigel is getting more popular with the mainstream public? Maybe he is ruining the image?

Also it is totally acceptable to feel like he is undeserving of his status/support he is getting. It's more dumbfoundment, rather than jealousy. All I can say is it can't last long, but that's just my prediction. It is still cool that he can make a living out of bmx.

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You make it sound like Nigel is BMX street, which is definitely more credit than he deserves. Nigel is just one aspect.

an individual of its own kind. he is a bmxer and he is trying to be something else and people don't like it. not repping animal no more? they don't love you no more?

He is trying so hard to be percieved as an icon and he hasn't reached that status yet. try harder champ. maybe that media influenced bull will help you with your brand at the x games.


--- Quote from: joelite44 on February 19, 2015, 03:08:06 PM ---

He is trying so hard to be percieved as an icon and he hasn't reached that status yet. try harder champ. maybe that media influenced bull will help you with your brand at the x games.

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nah, he's just going a different way to your heroes and actually getting a well paying job out of bmx. listen to his TCU podcast, guy comes of as a decent bloke who got a few opportunities and ran with them.
these intentional misunderstandings/shitslingings are stupid.



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