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--- Quote from: Narcoleptic Insomniac on January 04, 2015, 05:10:07 PM ---I don't get why some people are hell bent on trying to make BMX accepted by the mainstream, advancing the sport or whatever the fuck.

The appealing thing about bmx as a community was that it provided a space for kids to be as weird as they pleased and not give a fuck. At least that's how I perceived when I was 16.

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ding ding ding ding ding! you win a greenbox

--- Quote from: dude... on January 04, 2015, 09:15:05 PM ---i just find it interesting how people choose to present themselves and their image once they make it big.

in bmx i guess it seems you can get the most respectfor being good on a bike but at the same time by also being humble or at least down to earth. while trying to create a pedestal for yourself may make you more marketable outside of bmx, i think it comes across as kind of arrogant in a sport perpetuated by adolescents who generally dont have a lot of money.

i dont know who decided to run with the title advancing bmx without fitting in, but to apply that label to yourself is pretty arrogant, and pharell again, fuck that guy

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also agree with this, but pharrell is fine in my books.

Prodigal Son:
You're making a way bigger deal out of something way smaller. If you asked 90% of kids 19 and younger what Brooklyn machine works is, I suspect you would find a very small value. This dude can hardly be held responsible for kids being dumbfucks on BMX bikes. That is the point of it. To get into trouble, do stupid shit, do wallrides on the office supply store down the street. You can be embarrassed, ashamed, and worried all you like but this isn't an upscale discipline anyone outside of BMX will look at and think of it assuming a televised contest rider could just drop out next year and not be any worse off.


--- Quote from: locomotive on January 05, 2015, 08:36:23 AM ---If that's the face of bmx, I am truly ashamed to ride a little bike. I obviously still love it and will continue to do so, but I am worried about the future of bmx. That is all.

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Right now, I'm sure when most people think of BMX, I'm sure they think xgames or the mega ramp. I'm sure that accurately describes every street rider...
BMX will still be BMX. When someone sees Nigel ride down the road, I'm sure people think "oh that's terrible" when you can go watch Colt Fake have beer poured in his mouth as he tries to pull some girls bra off or Sean Burns drop his bike on some bums head. Though Nigel isn't the best rider or dress as ratty as most bmx riders, he is more of a street rider than most bmx riders that have had any mainstream recognition before.

Nigel, getting some recognition outside of BMX isn't going to change the sport because a few more kids might be at the park than usual and maybe only one of them might actually stick with it. And I hardly doubt it will give it an image worse than what it could be. Honestly, how is that any different than now? Most kids that rode around here quit after 2-3 years.

You can say Bam didn't do shit for skating because he didn't dump all his money back into the sport. But the fact that he happened, didn't change skateboarding forever. It just got idiot kids, who think doing rad, stupid shit is fun(basically the basis of bmx), to go buy an Element board. And indirectly put some money into the skateboarding industry.

People forgot bam was a pretty amazing bowl/mini ramp shredder Whats Nigel got though?

Prodigal Son:
The guy is a goon, but look at some of the videos in this thread. He still rides pretty well.


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