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--- Quote from: Cole on January 05, 2015, 01:49:32 PM ---Can't hate on the dude for getting his nut. He's still not as bad as Adam22.

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Yeah, but a22 doesn't get his fame from riding a bike. Nigel does, and I just feel like other riders  should be getting his type of money if not more. He stopped progressing and is just milking it. Seriously good on him, but I just don't get it. I guess he is more marketable because he is a black dude from Queens?

He gets invites to contest and he doesn't show up, he get to go on trips and hardly rides, all he cares about is looking "swag" on his bike. How is that what bmx is about? He gives kids a wrong impression of bmx, but i guess that's what it takes to get recognized by the mass media.

--- Quote from: condrbkr on January 05, 2015, 01:45:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: ImNick on January 05, 2015, 11:41:43 AM ---
--- Quote from: locomotive on January 05, 2015, 08:36:23 AM ---If that's the face of bmx, I am truly ashamed to ride a little bike. I obviously still love it and will continue to do so, but I am worried about the future of bmx. That is all.

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Right now, I'm sure when most people think of BMX, I'm sure they think xgames or the mega ramp. I'm sure that accurately describes every street rider...
BMX will still be BMX. When someone sees Nigel ride down the road, I'm sure people think "oh that's terrible" when you can go watch Colt Fake have beer poured in his mouth as he tries to pull some girls bra off or Sean Burns drop his bike on some bums head. Though Nigel isn't the best rider or dress as ratty as most bmx riders, he is more of a street rider than most bmx riders that have had any mainstream recognition before.

Nigel, getting some recognition outside of BMX isn't going to change the sport because a few more kids might be at the park than usual and maybe only one of them might actually stick with it. And I hardly doubt it will give it an image worse than what it could be. Honestly, how is that any different than now? Most kids that rode around here quit after 2-3 years.

You can say Bam didn't do shit for skating because he didn't dump all his money back into the sport. But the fact that he happened, didn't change skateboarding forever. It just got idiot kids, who think doing rad, stupid shit is fun(basically the basis of bmx), to go buy an Element board. And indirectly put some money into the skateboarding industry.

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This How can you not say he's not good!?

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He can barspin, I don't think he is amazing past that.

--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on January 05, 2015, 09:58:19 AM ---You're making a way bigger deal out of something way smaller. If you asked 90% of kids 19 and younger what Brooklyn machine works is, I suspect you would find a very small value. This dude can hardly be held responsible for kids being dumbfucks on BMX bikes. That is the point of it. To get into trouble, do stupid shit, do wallrides on the office supply store down the street. You can be embarrassed, ashamed, and worried all you like but this isn't an upscale discipline anyone outside of BMX will look at and think of it assuming a televised contest rider could just drop out next year and not be any worse off.

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You're right. I still think that 50% of what Nigel makes should be transferred into Edwin's bank account, Il'l just leave it at that.

Dude if other riders are more deserving of "HiS" success then why dont they do it? Its not up to him to make sure other people get paid like him. He made the right moves for himself. Garrett made the right moves for himself. All the really succes or non struggling riders made moves to better their lives while riding and nigel gets shit for it because hes not some ratty looking kid that goes to contests and puts out edits every week?
But he dresses nice so he isnt really a real rider?

Van Homan will save us


--- Quote from: locomotive on January 06, 2015, 04:59:51 PM ---I just feel like other riders  should be getting his type of money if not more. He stopped progressing and is just milking it.
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At least we see some sort of footage/marketing from Nigel. There are plenty of riders who haven't progressed or even put out any type of coverage in years, yet no one questions their place in the industry. Not to kick those dudes down cause they all earned it one way or another. He's put out multiple stellar sections, all showing a lot progression from the one before it, sure it's mostly barspin but that's his distinct style.

--- Quote from: locomotive on January 06, 2015, 04:59:51 PM ---I guess he is more marketable because he is a black dude from Queens?

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Nigel is marketable cause he's an outsider of sorts, he represents mainstream ideals in an alternative sport. Someone like Nigel represents today's generation and it's idea of self promtion and self branding, it's something kids today understand that obviously the older generation frowns upon. BMX seems to be constantly left behind cause we're catering to the ideals of the past and stuck in what we used to be. Our little niche thing has to evolve to prosper and that's including the figures in it also.

If this is the future of bmx then I don't want to be a part of it. BMX does not need to be commercialized any more than it is. We don't need more skateparks or our sport to be in the spotlight, we need more companies that give a shit about us rather than just trying to make a quick buck.


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