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In my eyes shadow > Cult. Even though Shadow started out pushing their image they still have had some real innovations, even though some might be a bit odd (included subrosa products).

I really dislike Cult, they are the opposite of what I want in a company. Selling non-inventive Products because of image. Only goes for sponsored riders and image. I never understood the idea BMXers have with strong teams being a Selling factor.

I never saw a problem with cult. They help out a lot of people that arent pro and or more low key. As far as the parts go they seem alright. I dont run freecoasters so i cant rant about those, but ive passed down a few cult frames that i see still kicking from time to time. Not into the super wide bars but their other stuff isnt bad. I dont see why theres so much hate towards them. I can see if they just had a stacked team and everything they put.out product wise was harbage but that doesnt seem to be the case.


--- Quote from: ImNick on January 04, 2015, 03:16:17 PM ---
--- Quote from: condrbkr on January 04, 2015, 02:06:26 PM ---
If he wants to market what he's good at to get something out of it other than bumming on people's couches and inevitably needing to find a different career path at the age of 30, is that really not understandable? The standard BMX lifestyle is great but it's not for everyone and that doesn't make him less of rider because of so.

--- End quote ---

Exactly what I was thinking.

Even if he gets more eyes on street riding, as I'm sure most of the mainstream is only familiar with xgames and similar stuff, how could that ultimately hurt the sport? Who cares if he's not Edwin/the most legendary street rider ever. I'm sure every Thrasher reading skate rat was butt hurt when Ryan Sheckler had his TV show on MTV years ago, but I'm sure that put quite a bit of more money into the skate industry even if it was from people trying to look "cool."

If anything, it could get more money into the sport. Who cares if there would be kids that use a bmx as a fashion item, it happens with skateboards all the time. Overall, it could improve the bmx industry.
Everything becomes a fashion show.

--- End quote ---

I'm fully on this side of the discussion. I feel like everyone is very isolated from pop culture and doesn't see how Nigel actually makes BMX look cool to a non-rider's perspective. I can guarantee it'd be significantly easier for me to get a friend into BMX from RWTW2 than from Burn's Dead Bang section. Image is important these days.

Lol at this whole thread.

So basically Nigel understands how to make money and has taken advantage of that, and half of you are spazzing out because you want 'real' bmxers to have that money.

i FIND it ridicule that nigel is trying so hard to stand out in a sea of riders, when others are in everyones mouth without even trying it.

take for example dylan lloyd, he's a crazy good kid that represents and rides his ass off, zach gerber, chris kyle and all the other heads that are out there reppin. would you like to see this guys dissapear in the abyss into other things just like many other riders have?

we will have to see how deep nigel takes things, that vice documentary is pretty far i think.

I don't know nigel, i never will but if  had the chance i'd give him props for still standing out there (as a rider). It isn't his fault he was chosen as an icon back in the writing on the wall days. they do treat him as if he was handicapped though. just for being from queens.

he might have a spot light he doesn't deserve and this has people acting out.


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