The Street > The Lounge


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Prodigal Son:
I can't think of anyone else I would want to see doing that. How do you not fear every fractional second of your tire eating the loaf?

the whole bike art painting canvas thing is a bit much for me, but other than that he is doing it his own way, I see no reason to think that he is only riding for the money, and dude will be able to retire once he's done if he plays his cards right. He also is the absolute best to the kids, that I've ever seen. I've seen other pros come through that have had a huge impact on bmx, "kept it real" and not "sold out", but they suck at interacting with kids. Which is better for BMX? I know my answer.

As a washed-up 30 year old bmxer who sucked at riding even when I was better...

Good for Nigel. This changes practically nothing about bmx for me and may actually do something positive for the "sport" (as much as I hate to call it a sport).


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on January 14, 2015, 07:33:58 PM ---I can't think of anyone else I would want to see doing that. How do you not fear every fractional second of your tire eating the loaf?

--- End quote ---

Indeed. No hate on him for doing that.

The narrative bothers me though, as it feels almost entirely focused on the negative.  The industry is somehow to blame for all of the things that keep a brother down.


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