The Street > The Lounge

slab city

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HAH! Bikeguide finally lets me log in!

That was fun as fuck, you'll have to come hang out again after I get moved out of the trap house hahahahahaha!

we built a little room in our living room, you can stay there

That edit was as sketchy as I dreamed and I liked it.


--- Quote from: ginger on February 23, 2015, 10:08:10 PM ---That edit was as sketchy as I dreamed and I liked it.

--- End quote ---

I just wish we had footage of the sheet metal roll in, which was made possible by drunken stupidity and hippies whiskey.

Seeing this edit pop up on my youtube subscriptions was like a batman sign in the sky for bikeguide.

Nice vid but it's missing a 52" double peg.


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