The Street > The Lounge


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he kind've touches on it in this interview but more or less skirts around trying to land a way to justify it until he does. for a second you're gonna think he's humbling himself and then he says that shit. 1:03:30 if you're interested.

man i dont know why the fuck you guys watch that drivel. for 1 and a half hours at a time as well....fuck, is it for people who dont have friends?

lol brenden just outed himself watching over an hours worth of adamtv


Filming yourself doing drugs to put in a bmx video is cringe inducing. Reminds me of 'that guy' on Facebook /instagram who will always take photos of himself holding alcohol / a baggie.


--- Quote from: dude... on February 27, 2015, 07:39:37 PM ---man i dont know why the fuck you guys watch that drivel. for 1 and a half hours at a time as well....fuck, is it for people who dont have friends?

--- End quote ---

notes are at the bottom of the post.. but i do admit to spending the 3 minutes between reading it and watching it.


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