The Street > The Lounge


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its cool at the moment but he;s pandering drugs to kids which isnt cool.

Dr. Steve Brule:
Yeah don't get me wrong, I'm all for drug-taking but it's a bit shitty pushing it on impressionable kids.

that shit is lame....I do my best to not support these companies

but then again....

what about all the classic videos from the golden age of midschool trails builds showing adults whove had a few too many adult beverages?

what about every song on every west coast edit ever where some dude is rapping about weed?


--- Quote from: paranoidmexican on February 17, 2015, 04:16:21 PM ---

--- End quote ---

I always hated this argument.

Dude makes millions selling (mostly to kids) himself as player and you don't want the responsibility of being a role model? Get real. In an ideal world a teacher should be making more cause at the end of the day all he's doing is dunking a ball.


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