The Street > The Lounge

Yo, what color is this dress?

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--- Quote from: master on February 27, 2015, 10:03:36 AM ---It's a stupid fucking color edited image that looks different under different light and on different screens. God damn the internet has made people stupid.

The color of the dress is fuck you.

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Well, when I first seen it, it was 100% white and gold and then about an hour later it's 100% black and blue on the same same screen and lighting conditions. it's still black and blue for me.


--- Quote from: Alex. on February 27, 2015, 11:17:32 AM ---
--- Quote from: master on February 27, 2015, 10:03:36 AM ---It's a stupid fucking color edited image that looks different under different light and on different screens. God damn the internet has made people stupid.

The color of the dress is fuck you.

--- End quote ---

Well, when I first seen it, it was 100% white and gold and then about an hour later it's 100% black and blue on the same same screen and lighting conditions. it's still black and blue for me.

--- End quote ---

I have seen it 100 fucking times on every forum/social media/bs site that I visit and the base (edited) image always looks the same to me.

Our fascination with stupid shit shouldn't bother me but it does. [/Grumpy old man rant]

Oh God forbid we have fun for one fucking second!

Sounds like you're just mad because you see it the wrong color. It blew my mind because when I saw it change color because it was so drastic, not just a subtle color difference.

it was definitely white this morning, now its blue.

What else am i seeing wrong?

I looked at it as soon as I turned my computer on and it was black and blue. After a few hours staring at the screen I opened it up again and it was white and gold. RODS AND CONES YO.


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