The Street > The Lounge

Things to look forward to this year

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Prodigal Son:
What about music? I can't think of any artists that I'm waiting for a new album confirmed for this year.

There's definitely a few releases that I'm stoked for this year, but it's mostly local shit (I'll post it up in that other thread when it happens).  Can't think of any big ones either.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on March 01, 2015, 02:06:28 AM ---Fucking superman. Was the Nolan one any good?

--- End quote ---

I liked it but it's definitely not as introspective as the Batmans or anything.

I'm definitely looking forward to the new Modest Mouse album. Even though I'm not really feeling a few of the singles they put out.

Seeing the Foo Fighters at Citi Field in July. I heard they put on a good show, so I'm stoked.
Other than that, looking forward to dialing in the trails this season. Hopefully I can make another trip up to Cranx as well.

Riding with a bunch of good people in Austin as much as possible.


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