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Things to look forward to this year

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--- Quote from: dude... on March 02, 2015, 10:30:40 PM ---
--- Quote from: meathead on March 02, 2015, 10:24:14 PM ---
--- Quote from: GUMP_ on March 02, 2015, 02:12:11 PM ---
--- Quote from: meathead on March 02, 2015, 10:23:33 AM ---mallcop 2 , power rangers, and finaly getting my fucking fbm frame after 5 months of delays!

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Did you order a custom fbm or just an aod?

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just an aod, starting to regret it now tho

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how so regret? still not got mine yet.

im looking forward to finishing this year with more money than i started with. need to start seriously saving for a house now im all old and shit

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its the general 4 month delay so far , surely if a product is meant to be in the shops on XXXX date then  get it there for then not 4 months later and we're still waiting


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on March 07, 2015, 01:00:03 AM ---You guys suck. I haven't even had winter. I think I got frost on my windshield one morning.

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Come here for winter. I'll talk in Fahrenheit so as not to mince words.

We set a record for February weather. An all time record. Average temperature of 9.32F (-12.6C). Coldest day without the windchill factor was -5.8F (-21C). (We did not have a single day last month that was above the freezing mark)

With winchill, we had a day of -41.8F (-41C), and during that week, we had spats of -25F to -31F. There were a handfull of homeless people who actually froze to death outside. It was pretty bad, and the amount of watermain breaks the city had was off the charts. One guy had his SUV frozen in a solid block of ice for a week before the city crews could get out to help him de-ice it.

Please, come take all the winter you can carry.

Prodigal Son:
Well, if I could I definitely would. If the west coast drought continues we'll be trying to steal your winter for sure.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on March 08, 2015, 01:37:59 PM ---Well, if I could I definitely would. If the west coast drought continues we'll be trying to steal your winter for sure.

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Yeah, just buy water from BC, they seem to be wanting to give it away at this point. Bunch of idiots.


This game, I work in the forest fire industry so this game is looking cool.


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