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Death penalty (re; Bali 9 executions)

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Narcoleptic Insomniac:
You can't think about the death penalty from an emotional standpoint.

To me it seems like a pretty medieval form of punishment and in a modern society the criminal justice system should be based on prevention, correction, and rehabilitation and not on punishment. Then in the cases of pedophiles, psychopaths, etc., those are people who are a danger to society and need to be removed from it and put in prisons but I still think that none of us individually or collectively have the right to decide to end someone's existence. It's also worth adding that the exception to all this is war crimes and war criminals.


--- Quote from: JFax on March 05, 2015, 09:58:26 AM ---I lived in Singapore which boarders Indonesia for a while. They have the same laws and basically no drugs or druggies exist in Singapore.

Say what you want about the death penalty but in this case I would say it works, the country is virtually drug-free. How many are prepared to die over doing drugs or smuggling them?

--- End quote ---

Bull-fucking-shit. Indonesia is riddled with drugs, you can buy smack in the prison that these guys are housed in. Plenty of people are still willing to smuggle, rape, murder and be an all-round cunt even thought the death penalty exists. The death penalty is a useless deterrent for crime.

Everyone knows the death penalty exists over there, so why would you do it? I wouldn't kill them for it, but if I had a law that said I would and some stuck up foreign cunts decided they were above it and that their lives were worth more than local lives I might change my mind. I think it is OK for them to get killed. I would have no issue with Corby copping it either. I'm usually a lefty and used to be against the death penalty but I really don't get the sympathy for the kind of people you already don't want in society. Another Australian heroin trafficker died a few years back in Singapore (I think) and there was a fucking candle light vigil for the cunt in a few major cities. Never seen someone stoked to see a heroin deal go down in front of their house (with the exception of junkies), but apparently a lot of people love the guys a few steps up. I like China's death penalty. Firing squad and then the family has to pay for the bullets. It just makes more sense than an injection.

It's their law. I don't think Indonesia should back down to Abbot. I certainly wouldn't want us to change our laws for them.


--- Quote from: ginger on March 05, 2015, 04:19:07 PM ---
Bull-fucking-shit. Indonesia is riddled with drugs
--- End quote ---

Well yeah, Indonesia. I meant Singapore, but then again it is by far easier to control the borders of a tiny first world city-state than a third-world country that is one of the biggest in the world. I have seen drugs in Indonesia too, but not in the muslim part.

I wouldnt go as far as to say that putting your nose in someone else´s justice system is bad, countries can have messed up laws. But drug trafficing is not completely off the hook to have a death penalty for, and since many drug trafficers are foreigners its not completely off the hook to execute these guys in their legal sense.

If a single innocent person is killed mistakenly then the death penalty is unworkable. You can't bring them back from that. It's barbaric and doesn't even help as a deterrent.


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