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Death penalty (re; Bali 9 executions)

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What makes everyone say it doesnt help as a deterrent.

I am quite the law-abiding citizen, I just jaywalk alot. If they would implement the death sentence as punishment for jaywalking I will be sure to stop doing it...


--- Quote from: JFax on March 06, 2015, 07:48:16 AM ---What makes everyone say it doesnt help as a deterrent.

I am quite the law-abiding citizen, I just jaywalk alot. If they would implement the death sentence as punishment for jaywalking I will be sure to stop doing it...

--- End quote ---

All the people that commit crimes that (legally) warrant the death penalty show that it's not enough of a deterrent.

That's a shit analogy. How often do you jaywalk in a fit of rage, or in an extreme case of desperation or panic? Do you jaywalk because you're mentally unstable, either from a chemical imbalance in your brain, or from some sort of psychological trauma?

Killing someone is widely considered to be the number one crime. I don't know how you're supposed to have any faith in a legal system that legally sanctions and commits that very same act. 

Putting someone to death serves no purpose whatsoever. Outside of revenge, there's no gain from it and no legal system in the present day is based on "an eye for eye" type thinking because it's both childish and barbaric when taken to its ultimate conclusion. And what if someone is later to be found not guilty, having already been put to death? Try the legal system for murder? They would have committed the most serious crime against an innocent member of their own society. Who then is culpable?

You don't go into someone else's house and tell them how to live. The guy broke the law and I'm sure he knew the penalty for it. There's only a fuss cause he's not from that country, if he were, no one would care.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:

--- Quote from: condrbkr on March 06, 2015, 04:20:44 PM ---There's only a fuss cause he's a white anglophone.

--- End quote ---


They're actually not white.

JFax, worst analogy ever.

When it comes to the death penalty, I think it says a lot when redneck Aussies who are so far away from the issue to be almost advocating for the execution when pedo cunts and murders get out of jail in less time than these two lads in Indonesia have been locked up for. This execution has been 10 years in the making, they're rehabilitated from what everyone is saying and the hypocrisy around the whole issue from Indonesia is beyond belief. I still think they're going to go ahead with it, purely so they can laugh in Abbott's face.


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