The Street > The Lounge

Death penalty (re; Bali 9 executions)

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Wouldn't be at all surprised that Abbott cemented their fate just by opening his downy fucking tucker slot. He's that obnoxious

I do agree that the death penalty is not a deterrent, as the people who rape/murder/etc either don't care about the consequences or aren't coherent enough to realize them.

I also agree that someone mistakenly being put to death nullifies the benefits that the punishment may have on society.

BUT... what's the alternative? Life in prison? Rehabilitation has proven not to work for most cases. There are, without a doubt, some people who do not belong in our society.

We need a damn prison planet to send them to.

Im not pro death penalty and realize that my analogy is silly. But drug trafficing and rape/murder is also vastly different. You dont traffic drugs due to a fit of rage or mental instability. You either think you can get away with anything, in a mob or being pushed into it.

I believe they should get lengthy prison sentances. 10 years they got already is long enough. I have unfortunately not read up on the details of the case. If it was some kind of drug tradficing syndicate they should of course be punished by suitable means. If they just had trafficed some for own consumption I think my analogy isnt too far out. It doesnt really hurt anyone else, you dont do it because you are super unstable and should thus be quite the detterant


--- Quote from: ginger on March 06, 2015, 06:17:12 PM ---They're actually not white.

--- End quote ---

5 of the 9 are.

But it's not really a topic of white vs. any other race. It's about whether any country has the authority to have say over what another country does, what makes it acceptable that Western countries are allowed to impose their ideas over the rule of any other?

It's the equivalent of Muslims going crazy because some guy in France drew Muhammad. To them that's law. They broke it and they deserved the punishment cause their ideas of law are above everyone else. I'm not equating one to the other but if democracy truly is the best system to govern a region then let the people come to that conclusion by themselves, not let it be dictated by a bunch of outsiders who feel they know best for them.

There is a thought that a lot of immigrants hold which is that the Western world's hands aren't clean so who are they to pass judgement on another for their problems.

Prodigal Son:
Fuck that, if the majority thinks the minority ethnicity should be cleansed of the earth, standing by to let them govern themselves is bullshit.


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