The Street > The Lounge

Death penalty (re; Bali 9 executions)

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For those interested in the actual case AlJazeera has a lengthy interview up with the indonesian president. Unless you are american though, think aljazeera's vids are blocked in the states...


--- Quote from: condrbkr on March 08, 2015, 12:11:03 PM ---5 of the 9 are.

--- End quote ---

Chan and Sukumaran who are on death row are not, the rest of the 9 are not being sentenced to death.


--- Quote from: JFax on March 08, 2015, 02:37:44 PM ---Unless you are american though, think aljazeera's vids are blocked in the states...

--- End quote ---

Surprise surprise.

I did not know that Al-Jazeera was blocked in the US, that's insane.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
It's not blocked, it's channel 200 something on tv here.


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