The Street > The Lounge

Death penalty (re; Bali 9 executions)

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--- Quote from: master on March 04, 2015, 11:47:19 PM ---
For a child molester, rapist, murderer, etc, those fucked up humans need to be removed from the gene pool.

--- End quote ---

Except none of those are genetic issues so removing from the gene pool won't prevent anyone else being like that. It would be far more useful to keep them alive and develop therapy methods so that we can prevent it occurring in the future and fix those who show tendancies towards that kind of behaviour

Then U.S. is so slow at actually killing the person that received the death penalty. It ends up costing them so much money in the long run to feed them for 10 years of waiting to die. I do think it is justified in the most heinous cases.

Another stoke for the fire is that Indonesia barely slapped the wrist of people in the successful terrorist plot in Bali in recent history where a shedload of Australians got killed. There was also an Aussie chick who got caught with pot that may not have even been hers that spent like 10-15 years in jail despite a lot of reasonable doubt

AU-Indo relations aside I think anyone that goes into SE Asia with drugs (especially shit like heroin, as opposed to grass) is fucking insane given their notoriety for whacking traffickers. Fuck that for a joke

Dr. Steve Brule:
Yeah, obviously the death penalty is ridiculous but you should know better than to smuggle drugs in a muslim country.

Prodigal Son:
I'd have serious delirium being on a jury where the prosecution was seeking the death penalty.


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