The Street > The Lounge

Go Kart Kicker Clip?

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I happened to rewatch the infamous clip of Colin Winklemann's crash with the van ramp, and remembered there was a scaled down version done by another rider, approached by a kicker pushed by a go kart.  It's been years since I recall seeing it, and was hoping others with better memory would be able to guide me to it.  Anyone?

Wasn't it Colin that did the go-kart video as well? For a commerical IIRC.

Yeah there was a sequence for a print ad where he did a flip from the go-kart ramp. Very old now, maybe '03.


--- Quote from: Allah on March 10, 2015, 04:31:35 PM ---Yeah there was a sequence for a print ad where he did a flip from the go-kart ramp. Very old now, maybe '03.

--- End quote ---

Yep, that's what I was thinking of. DC ad.

There's some clips of him hitting the go-kart ramp in this video.

That clip makes me sad. I don't think anyone realizes what happened to him when they use it in fail video compilations.


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