The Street > The Lounge

Sheepdog still out there

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I honestly mean this sheep, thank you for those explanations. A lot of us had been wondering what was going on and felt left behind.


--- Quote from: sheepdog on March 13, 2015, 03:16:23 AM ---
--- Quote from: Kinchy on March 13, 2015, 01:20:28 AM ---Sheepdogs achievements:
1. Moves forum over to 'better' host, many old members lose log in details.

2. Removes rep

3. Deletes popular threads

Thanks m8

--- End quote ---

You're quite welcome!
Next time I need to verify 3,500,000 posts in 24 hours I'll be sure to call you and then you can do it. I have a lawyer on retainer, he'd be happy to draw up the contract for this, penalties and all.

A few passwords were corrupted, but many simply didn't know their passwords or were disabled because they were too f'ing easy to guess. As for the host and software change, just let me know where to send the bill and I'll switch it right back to how it was. That will be $1600 for software every 3 years, and $105 every month for hosting. No seriously, let me know and I'll send you the bill.  No? Then shut the hell up.

--- End quote ---

If only I could green box that. sadly I can't :-D

Hey sheep, I know how much time and effort you put into this place and I appreciate what you've done to keep it running.

my offer still stands if you ever need a hand with administration, management, hosting, operations


--- Quote from: sheepdog on March 14, 2015, 04:25:51 PM ---He handles some of the ads, and has a greater say in the day to day operations.
--- End quote ---

right on. Still get not he bmx from time to time, or has that come to an end (whether it be for age or work related reasons)? I wish you had resurfaced sooner, I took a big trip last year and past by St,Louis, where I think you lived (at least at some point). Would have been cool to meet you since BG certainly had a huge effect on my whole life ultimately... from that awful race report I did that you posted, which got me on a race team, out to inter bike and many other opportunities.

Hank Chinaski:
So why was the penthouse closed?


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