The Street > The Lounge

Sheepdog still out there

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--- Quote from: Kyle V. on March 16, 2015, 06:08:24 PM ---Good to see the place get cleaned up a bit.

The huge threads would be exhausting to go through from the start, I don't see why it's a big deal to start them fresh? And there are more appropriate places to share your pictures of half-naked ladies, is it really worth whining about? I feel like a lot of people are power tripping a little bit since things were changed and they weren't consulted first.

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Some people like to look through old threads, some might have bookmarks for certain bits of information etc. Just because you see no use in it does not make it useless.

Kyle V.:

--- Quote from: GMLN on March 16, 2015, 06:13:15 PM ---
--- Quote from: Kyle V. on March 16, 2015, 06:08:24 PM ---Good to see the place get cleaned up a bit.

The huge threads would be exhausting to go through from the start, I don't see why it's a big deal to start them fresh? And there are more appropriate places to share your pictures of half-naked ladies, is it really worth whining about? I feel like a lot of people are power tripping a little bit since things were changed and they weren't consulted first.

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Some people like to look through old threads, some might have bookmarks for certain bits of information etc. Just because you see no use in it does not make it useless.

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That's true, and I totally get that. But if it's for the better of the site, it's worth sacrificing. Especially now, I feel like people are more inclined to jump into the automotive thread or something similar since it's like a new conversation. They won't feel out of the loop on something that happened 8 pages back.


--- Quote from: GMLN on March 16, 2015, 05:55:26 PM ---You surely cannot deny that changing the board did  kill off a lot of activity.

And as for the less spam, I'm sure most of us who stuck around after the change saw how well that went.

Changing the board was the biggest mistake in the history of bikeguide. I'm sure it was easier for you to manage your other forums with but it was terrible for this community.

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You can point out how bad it was all you want, it doesn't change the fact that IT HAD TO HAPPEN.

The server was outdated and constantly being attacked (once every 10 seconds, after blocking all of Asia and Russia, as well as most free email systems), the software was at risk for being hacked and was no longer going to be supported, the server was costing twice what it should, and would have cost even more if it was hacked.

I'm not saying it was good, I'm saying it was necessary, bitching and moaning will not change that.

What I did was only the final straw. People come for the community and information, not the software, if they left, it's partly on you guys as well. People will put up with a lot of crap for good company and info.

adsense is a fucker but that is 100% beyond anyone here's control. so, no tits and shit, that's fine, they're still all over reddit.

it's unfair and inconsiderate to criticize how the place is ran when you yourself are mostly unwilling to do it. there was a whole side forum project when this place shut down after the last time and that idea seemingly was abandoned abruptly as soon as the mod hammer was passed around back here. easier route, absolutely, but it shows the general lack of motivation to do it ourselves. how would switching back to vBulletin or switching to whatever the fuck is better be any different?

i don't know anything about how moderator duties are delegated here, but i think everything over 6-9 months old should be removed. an automated dump of sorts maybe? if you don't want something deleted maybe sticky it or throw it in a subforum.. kind've like melding the "classic" thread with all of the most popular threads. if the mods and people that use this place are adamant about continuing to do just that, i'm sure they will gladly adhere to something of that sort.

it's obvious sheep is burdened by the forum, it's also obvious BG is only left up because it satisfies other people. we should be asking what we as general users can do to make the place more manageable.

people take this shit way too seriously though.. calling it "history," hahahaha so what if a nine hundred eighty five thousand page thread gets deleted? what, did you miss the last page and a half of posts? start over every once in a while. christ sakes guys, if you need the thread so bad just archive a copy.

i don't post much mostly because i don't have much to contribute. still lurk a bit though and i appreciate what you do, sheep.

I feel like we need a definitive answer about if the site were to change hands.

How much would sheep sell it for? Or if he would be happy to just pass it over to someone else.

Detailed current running costs would be nice too.

--- Quote ---it's unfair and inconsiderate to criticize how the place is ran when you yourself are mostly unwilling to do it.
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There were offers in the past to buy and operate the board. Most of the threads these were in have been nuked though. The side forum project had good intentions but nobody really wants to leave this site which I completely understand.


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