The Street > The Lounge

New Random Thoughts Thread

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--- Quote from: hugh. on April 03, 2015, 03:51:00 AM ---Had a weird dream last night. Was taking part in an urban downhill bmx race. Now I want to do it for real

--- End quote ---

My toll road transponder hasn't been working correctly for a few weeks now, and I've been too lazy to get it fixed. Last night I had a dream that it started working and woke up pumped... My life is exciting as hell.

Just bought a ticket to the Grand Prix in Montreal.

My mom and sister are in Montreal right now. Snowin up in that bish.

So I'm in an hour long line for Donut Bar, they better be good.

Oh and if i see one more popped collar in this damn city I'm going to lose it

Why haven't they found a quicker way to brush teeth yet?

Took my hand off the handle bars today, that was pretty slick. Even had it behind my back rather than just straight up in the air. Really want to learn how to toboggan.

Got a hold of my seat but run out of time to really do anything else it seems. Fun stuff.


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