The Street > The Lounge

New Random Thoughts Thread

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--- Quote from: Cole on April 10, 2015, 01:06:19 PM ---
--- Quote from: BilboBaggins on April 10, 2015, 12:27:12 PM ---
--- Quote from: hugh. on April 10, 2015, 11:02:26 AM ---Congrats.

In other news, the Antonov 225 (aka the biggest plane on the fucking planet) is landing in Ireland this Saturday and I won't get to see it. :(

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I've seen the smaller antonov 124? At the Shannon airport a few times, pure badass. They were white and blue or grey and blue.

Hugh you would wet yourself with the airforce planes i see on the daily since i live super close to an airforce base (has a nice skatepark too)..

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I went to Virginia beach a few years back and there were tons of f-18's flying around all over the place. It was awesome.

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I see Dassault Alpha Jets nearly everyday here and saw a pair of Dassault Rafales yesterday. I am stoked. I'd love to see some F18s.

Did some spring cleaning at the trails and started building a new tabletop. Getting better at whips too, so fun!

I got chased by gypsie kids begging for money today and had to kick one off his bike after he tried to steal shit from my bag and spat at me. I hope he broke his wrists, the cunt.

I need to wake up by at least 6am tomorrow. My fat roommates think "oh 11:30pm would be a great time to rearrange shit in the leaving room, do laundry, and stomp around the house with our 300 lbs bodies instead of doing it earlier while we were doing nothing."

Worked on my car the last two afternoons/evenings, I'm sore but stoked on the result.


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