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New Random Thoughts Thread

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--- Quote from: Cole on May 11, 2015, 04:31:59 PM ---Torn between regretting taking a job where I'm on the road all the time and buying my car. Just gotta get it paid off by August, then I can go to school with no big bills. Pumped for that.

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Been there. I still have a couple years left to pay off the GTI and not having that nice paying job kinda blows when the payment is due but I definitely enjoy having the car and also enjoying being home now. Will be a sweet day when it's paid off, kinda wish I would've done a longer financing option now but it is it what it is.

Just makes me feel a bit silly for buying a brand new car, and not being able to play with it all the time. But, like you said, can't wait for it to be paid off. I ended up going with 6 years since my finance rate was 0.99% and it didn't make much difference in interest between a shorter term and a longer term. What was yours?

The other thing I'm considering is putting off school for another year, then I can for sure have it paid off, be able to pay for school up front and hopefully still have a bunch of money saved up so I won't need to work. Although I'm already wanting to change my major, so we'll see if I can do that and still defer my acceptance for a year.

Also, fuck living out of hotels. Getting so tired of not being able to cook my own meals. I've put on about 40 pounds since August from constantly eating out. Although, the amount of beer I've been consuming probably doesn't help.

That's a lot of weight. You still in the military?


--- Quote from: Cole on May 11, 2015, 09:30:40 PM ---Also, fuck living out of hotels. Getting so tired of not being able to cook my own meals. I've put on about 40 pounds since August from constantly eating out. Although, the amount of beer I've been consuming probably doesn't help.

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lmao. This was my life for 3 years! Funny to someone else on here going through the same thing. It's cool for a while but like you said, it's such a pain to actually make your own food so you just go for the easy option and eat out. And then you're bored as fuck sitting in a hotel night after night so you just booze it up to make shit a little entertaining. It's definitely cool for a while but it takes its toll on ya'.

Billy, kind of, still a reservist, but given that I'm on the road so much, I don't nearly make the commitment I used to (1 or 2 evenings a week, and up to 3 weekends a month) now I'm lucky if I show up for one evening a month. However, I am in a bit better shape than I have been in recent years despite the weight gain. Stopped smoking so my lungs are feeling a lot better and my cardio is getting back up to what I feel it should be.

Alex, no shit eh? Last year I was working with 2 other guys and we made a genuine effort to have 3 or 4 "home cooked" meals a week. If the hotel had a barbecue, we'd grill up some meat, make a salad and have some apps while we were cooking. We'd also have a few beers during the process. Luckily my job involves a lot of walking, so I don't think I've put on the weight I should be putting on. The problem right now is that my coworker and I have a bit more experience than the other guys in our department (or we may just be slightly more dependable, pick one) so we got put onto a bit of a different project where the work has to be done a bit more precisely, so we spend about 10 hours in the field each day, then another 4 at the hotel going over the data we collect, processing it and then preparing for the next day so time is also a factor in that.


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