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New Random Thoughts Thread

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Aesop Rock:
My life is a fucking mess right now and I'm pretty sure my insides are melting due to stress. Literally liquid hot magma has been coming out of my ass for 4 days straight. Is that a symptom of imminent death?

*this is going to be terribly put, spelled, structured*

If you really think about life and all of the problems that come along with it, you can still disappear and travel the world as a wanderer (but not hobo grimey) and swag out.

Right?^ I would rather hit the hills than take my life no matter how shitty it got. I know i know it's probably easier said than done.

Prodigal Son:
I don't know, the cognitive behavioral therapy sessions I was going to, my issue is that I just identify everything I do as a failure. I can't take that the things I want to achieve and wish the best for myself are the things I fail at. It eats me up inside and I would rather end it.

I need to get my insurance to approve more sessions. I still fight these very debilitating episodes a couple times a week.

I have 3 approved sessions with my neuropsychologist this summer. Very interested in doing another FSIQ and comparing my shit now to two years ago.


--- Quote from: Aesop Rock on May 12, 2015, 10:07:51 PM ---My life is a fucking mess right now and I'm pretty sure my insides are melting due to stress. Literally liquid hot magma has been coming out of my ass for 4 days straight. Is that a symptom of imminent death?

--- End quote ---

I know a guy who used to shit blood because he was so stressed. Yes, it is a thing and yes, you need to worry about it.


--- Quote from: BilboBaggins on May 12, 2015, 10:14:31 PM ---*this is going to be terribly put, spelled, structured*

If you really think about life and all of the problems that come along with it, you can still disappear and travel the world as a wanderer (but not hobo grimey) and swag out.

Right?^ I would rather hit the hills than take my life no matter how shitty it got. I know i know it's probably easier said than done.

--- End quote ---

I pretty much did that as an experiment nearly 2 months ago. Packed up my shit on a bicycle and hit the road. Didn't have any maps or plans except head south. Chilling the fuck out now in  Sardinia.

Surviving on €5 a day average.  I spend a bit more on beer though. I eat wild fruit and do a bit of fishing and forraging for herbs to cook with. Sleeping on the beach and exploring crazy places. Wash in the sea or find a Tinder chick and shack up for a night.

Caught a lobster in shallow water yesterday for dinner. Trying to get over my fear of snakes and catch one to try and cook.

Id make a rad as fuck homeless person. I've always wondered why irish people who become homeless stay in that rainy country. I sleep in a tent or on a sleeping pad when it's too hot. 

I do miss home though but my life wasn't fucked before I left.

There was a good post on reddit about a suicidal guy who took all his money and went to Mexico and bought loads of hookers and blow. Had an epiphany whilst balls deep in one and changed his mind.


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