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New Random Thoughts Thread

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--- Quote from: paranoidmexican on May 25, 2015, 06:45:55 PM ---Texas is flooding

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I need to build an ark


--- Quote from: _tom_ on May 25, 2015, 09:59:32 AM ---
Mastodon. I learnt Crack The Skye the other day and it's so fun to play.

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Drop A, no wayyyyyyy. It does sound good, but not the style I am looking for. I want some sweet sounding tunes, gotta make this baby sing! Slut, drop ya panties because this guitar just made you cry.

I've reached the point where I feel bored of riding BMX, or at least riding the stuff near to my place.

Exactly a month ago I ate shit at the trails at Rubens park in Spain and flew home early because I couldn't even cruise to the shop. I've managed to ride three times in the last week now that my ankles finally started to heal and it all just feels stale as fuck. This is shit.


--- Quote from: meathead on May 25, 2015, 12:31:20 PM ---often though about this , but what if no one else really exists what if im the only person who is actually real and everything else is some kind of illusion my mind has made up?

could be true  :o

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Fucking existentialist right there, but your about 400 years late. Descartes would be proud though, its where 'I think therefore I am' comes from.


--- Quote from: meathead on May 25, 2015, 12:31:20 PM ---often though about this , but what if no one else really exists what if im the only person who is actually real and everything else is some kind of illusion my mind has made up?

could be true  :o

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Then really it doesn't matter either way if the difference is imperceptible. I appreciate that this wouldn't help you, but I know your belief about your own mind is untrue, even if you don't. I know my mind exists, so I can conclude that your mind can't be the only thing in existence.

The endurance of solipsism is a perfect example of how people can get stuck on the outcome of a logical argument, even when the conclusion is relatively absurd. I feel quite happy to disregard the idea on the simple basis that there are many things in the world that I don't understand at all. If the only thing I can verify the existence of is my own thoughts, then I struggle to see how I could think up things that no amount of those same thoughts can actually comprehend. The only way for that to be possible would be if there was a duality of mind/another strata of thought. Using solipsistic reasoning, there's equally no reason to believe in the other strata of thought, as there's no way to comprehensively verify it. It's always struck me as quite self-defeating.


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