The Street > The Lounge

New Random Thoughts Thread

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Aesop Rock:
Been trying to make moves on this beautiful redheaded bartender down the street from my place. Seems like it's been going well but recently found out she has a boyfriend. She never made it known, got her number and all. Confusing signals, not 100% sure how to proceed from here out.

Do it anyway.


--- Quote from: LukeTom on May 27, 2015, 09:13:36 AM ---
--- Quote from: Liam on May 27, 2015, 07:45:15 AM ---
--- Quote from: LukeTom on May 27, 2015, 06:30:25 AM ---To play the devils advocate regarding your idea of 'strata thought', if you start from the position of the Sophalist, who believes only his mind exists, these things which cannot be conjured up by your own mind must point to another being rather than disproving it.

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You've either just rephrased my point, or  I don't understand what you're getting at here. The pointing to another being is the collapse of the solipsistic position. I'm no expert on philosophy, but I wouldn't consider Descartes to be working within the same frame as the solipsist, even if there are parallels in some of their conclusions. Descartes was working on the basis that there is a truth to an external reality, and how exactly one would go about proving it. The solipsist jumps on that train of thought and slams the brakes on.

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Yes, your right. It has been a while since I studied philosophy, confused between solipsism and Descarts.

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I always thought philosophy was weird. At what point does a thought become a philosophy and not some rambling of a loon.

Aesop Rock:

--- Quote from: ginger on May 28, 2015, 12:24:43 AM ---Do it anyway.

--- End quote ---

I try to not be a total shitbag, most of the time at least.  Knowingly bangin a chick who is in a relationship wouldn't be the worst thing I've ever done but as I get older these kinds of things seem like more of a hassle than they're worth. Maybe.

Just because there is a goalie doesn't mean you can't score.


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