The Street > The Lounge

New Random Thoughts Thread

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Prodigal Son:
You know the saying you won't break your leg twice in the same place? Something to do with calcification? I went riding last night for the first time post vasectomy and it was my hope that could be true about my testicles. Much like the bone that built up the calcium callus, so too would the balls become hard bastards that could withstand a rail impact or what have you.


Livin the life.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:
I just saw a video of a woman giving birth. The horror of life. Some things can never be unseen.

So during a night of heavy drinking me and my new Finnish friend each  pull a girl and they happen to be best friends. So fuck it we decide to go on a 'double date' type thing the next day.

Long story short, we rented tandem kayaks, hungover Mr Finland diarrhea shits himself everywhere with the girl in the back and decided the only course of action is to sink the boat to try hide his shame.

She's not interested anymore and took her friend with her but I'm not even mad cause it was the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Can you un shorten that story?


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