The Street > The Lounge

New Random Thoughts Thread

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Got beaten up and robbed 2 days ago! Phone, cards , cash everything gone. Bloody africans. Now im just bitter.

Hugh, noticed your lack of Instagram updates for the past couple days. Sorry to hear that man.

Finn the Human:

--- Quote from: hugh. on June 12, 2015, 03:14:40 AM ---Got beaten up and robbed 2 days ago! Phone, cards , cash everything gone. Bloody africans. Now im just bitter.

--- End quote ---

That's shit. They didn't get your bike then?

Dr. Steve Brule:
Fuck that sucks, if you need any money or anything I'd be happy to throw a little your way.

No i was walking around after leaving the bike at a friends.

Cheers for the support, ive cancelled all my cards before they could get any money. Phones insured too.  Filed a police report and have a meeting booked with a police investigator for tomorrow morning. I've a few friends here who've lent me money until i can get a new card sent out. Got to meet the irish ambassador for Malta which was nice. Cool guy.

Just pissed as i neglected to back up most of my photos.


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