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Sweden is a largely homogenous society with a far-right anti immigration party that has recently gained a strong following. What's happening in Sweden is not massively different to the rest of Europe, it's just that party are creating a scene about it.

The reality is that The West (mostly 'Murica, UK and others also contributing) is continuing to fuck things up in the middle east resulting in a huge surge of immigrants fleeing for their lives. These aren't people who are looking for a better life, these are previously middle-class comfortable families with no choice but to flee.

A minority of economic immigrants have seized this opportunity to abuse the generosity of Europe's support system and migrate at the same time, which has been picked up on by the right wing media and blown out of proportion.

A lot of Europe has responded with impressive empathy, but the system is not sustainable if we continue to see the same influx of migrants. What needs to happen is we stop bombing and start talking, and solve the problem at source. I don't see that happening soon if the American press is currently vilifying the people we should be supporting.

So fuck you.

The 1400 muslim carried out rape cases in your own country in the last 20 years doesn't make your blood boil?


there are a lot of videos showing migrants saying they're going to out-breed europeans, and turn europe islamic. There were a lot of them before the 'crisis' struck. Do you think those guys just changed their minds?

I've been following this for at least five years now.  This 'refugee crisis' was inevitable. Absolutely no question about it. Just like ISIS was inevitable.  Knowing this, the west supported/created them/the situation anyways.  Why?

people saying what's happening isn't an "invasion" is absurd.  Sure it's happening alongside an actual refugee situation, but it's still happening. There are videos of migrants saying just that. People like me knew it was coming and called out a lot of the how/why years ago, it was so obvious.  So why is it being allowed to happen?  why was 9/11 and a whole bunch of other horrible shit allowed to happen?

you're not getting brownie points for "sticking up" for the actual refugees by ignoring the past few years of geopolitics/war/human nature/religious fanaticism, you're being a fucking retard towing the government line. "anything bad that happens is a total surprise! we certainly haven't been planning for/expecting/instigating it for decades! Anybody who predicted this or who speaks out against it is a horrible insensitive racist..."


--- Quote from: BilboBaggins on November 13, 2015, 03:33:35 PM ---The 1400 muslim carried out rape cases in your own country in the last 20 years doesn't make your blood boil?

--- End quote ---

Where has that figured come from? There are an estimated 85,000 rape cases per year in the UK, so ~1.7 million in the last 20 years. 1400 is a drop in the ocean compared to how much we rape each other.

--- Quote from: alaskun on November 13, 2015, 04:11:14 PM ---some tin foil shit about predicting this all

--- End quote ---

So what? Anyone with sense could see the problem manifesting, and anyone with sense knows its all interlinked. I'm not arguing against that, am I?

But if you think it's an "invasion" then you're fucking brainwashed. A vocal minority may have some pie in the sky plan to islamise Europe but the reality is most just want to live somewhere safe, preferably their home country but that's not feasible right now


--- Quote ---@JJGreenWTOP

Intelligence sources say French border closed out of concern #ISIL may have infiltrated migrants flooding Europe. Recent intel warned of it.
--- End quote ---

140+ dead across 6+ locations. hundreds of videos from the past couple years of guys declaring their desire to carry out such acts.

1. The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer.
2. The entry into bodily tissue and subsequent proliferation of an injurious entity, such as a pathogen or tumor.
3. An intrusion or encroachment

they've been using the word "conquer" in videos talking about their race and their religion replacing others. Clearly some are armed, with blatant injurious intent.
How many more incidents like would it take for you to acknowledge an invasion is taking place?

again, there is an actual, real refugee situation taking place, but you're blind if you think others aren't using it as cover for by-definition invasion-criteria-meeting plans.


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