The Street > The Lounge

New Random Thoughts Thread

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Being Married is pretty rad, I think this is the most we have laughed in over a year. Fuck can planning a wedding be stressful as fuck, Also several LoF members were in attendance

Joe and birdmang? How are they doing?

Prodigal Son:
You guys, all of which are smarter than me, I need help. There is a problem with this line of thinking, neither of which is related to the specificity of either part, but saying: "it is bullshit that there is homeless vets but the govt wants to allow 10000 refugees in."

I want to relate that to a logical fallacy where making comparisons in order to oppose another under the guise of supporting the other. I need help with words on this.


--- Quote from: ginger on November 17, 2015, 09:35:26 PM ---Joe and birdmang? How are they doing?

--- End quote ---

birdmang/neckbeard was doing his departnment of corrections thing, Joe and bikemutts were in attendance.

Narcoleptic Insomniac:

--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on November 17, 2015, 11:31:26 PM ---You guys, all of which are smarter than me, I need help. There is a problem with this line of thinking, neither of which is related to the specificity of either part, but saying: "it is bullshit that there is homeless vets but the govt wants to allow 10000 refugees in."

I want to relate that to a logical fallacy where making comparisons in order to oppose another under the guise of supporting the other. I need help with words on this.

--- End quote ---

The argument doesn't make any sense. The two things being compared are completely different and unrelated. It makes it seem as though there is a housing shortage and the homeless vets are competing with the refugees for a limited number of houses. It ignores the fact that most homeless vets are so because war has fucked with their minds to the point that they can't function in normal society and do all the thing people need to do to maintain a home. Sure, the VA has let a lot of vets down in terms of care for their mental health problems but that has nothing to do with the US taking in refugees from Syria.


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