The Street > The Lounge

New Random Thoughts Thread

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Maybe like 3 times in my life. You gotta chew your food, man.  Lol

Can't say I'm in the habit of regurgitating my food.

I can't remember ever burping up chunks of food, unless they're the vomit burps.

Fuck, I just realized my bookmarked bluemeate thread has been deleted. I'd always go re-read through it for a good laugh. Dammit all...

--- Quote ---i won two tickets to see dj assualt

fuck ive won sooo many tickets to shows just cuase no one listens to public radio. I remember one 3am me and 90s vince were in the back yard listening to metal on the radio and they put out tickets to caller number 3. vince called and was number 1, then i called and was number 2, then he called and got number 3 and we was like 'fuckinnng doooope!!' and hes likes 'yeah! im totally gonna take becca!" and im all like "..." and the bitch flaked out on him and i took the tickets. fuckin vince.
--- End quote ---

Prodigal Son:
When you're vegetarian too long you turn into to a fucking cow. I eat once, do a little predigest/acid work up, then on to round two to chew my fucking cud.


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