The Street > The Lounge

New Random Thoughts Thread

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I'd rather eat the cow than emulate it.

Prodigal Son:
Too late moo.

I made an awesome ham and swiss sammich for lunch. It was on some rustic French bread with a bunch of power greens (kale and other greens), a bit of olive oil mayo, and some Dijon mustard.


--- Quote from: master on March 30, 2015, 01:45:04 PM ---I made an awesome ham and swiss sammich for lunch. It was on some rustic French bread with a bunch of power greens (kale and other greens), a bit of olive oil mayo, and some Dijon mustard.

--- End quote ---

That's so cool, man.

Someone spilt a drink on my laptop, thought it had died, fired up again after a couple of days. The keyboard and probably some other bits are fucked but one cheap USB keyboard later and we're back in business!


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