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Yay owning a gun

Prodigal Son:
Holy shit are people out of their fucking minds.

Apparently a militia overtook a federal building. 

Alaskun, dig me up some crazy shit about these assholes that think they are entitled to whatever wild lands they wish.

I'm too old to jump back into the dating scene. i wish i could just meet my soul mate at the cirlce K or frys grocery store.


--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on January 03, 2016, 01:21:41 AM ---Holy shit are people out of their fucking minds.

Apparently a militia overtook a federal building. 

Alaskun, dig me up some crazy shit about these assholes that think they are entitled to whatever wild lands they wish.

--- End quote ---
I haven't paid any attention to it and I don't know anything about ranchers, but I know the family it's supposedly based around have said they want no part of it, and have been publicy stating their intentions to turn themselves in on monday
and the 'takeover' happened something like 60 miles away?  I'm more inclined to believe this is some sort of pr move by somebody trying to provoke a reaction by 'dangerous patriot groups' or whatever...

That said, are the things that these ranchers you hate so much are doing really so much worse than a lot of stuff the feds do with wildlands and public property?
I mean, the family this situation is about has been accused of being TERRORISTS for doing something far less malicious [if at all] and with far less danger/consequences than what their accusers have been doing on a regular basis for decades. Did these guys actually hurt anyone? Was it on purpose? How many times did they do it? Did they have political motivations?   Now ask the same questions of the BLM, actually look up some answers and definitions, and THEN maybe start calling people terrorists.

I don't know what the takeover is actually about, or the people doing it, or what problems people have with ranchers in general, but literally charging the ones in this case as terrorists is 1910s-1940s level evil bullshit. And it's absolutely possible that this 'takeover' is just a stunt for the media to group them in with the militias that they've been trying to distance themselves from.
It's the first time any bit of this case has gotten anywhere near this much attention. Most of the people who see or hear anything about it will just assume the 'militias' and the ranchers are the same/all bad...


--- Quote ---
Published on Dec 5, 2015
This BLM fire reportedly killed more than 80 head of cattle. Put ranchers trying to save their cattle in extreme danger, injured other cattle, burnt homes and structures, burnt fences and power poles and threatened the town of Frenchglen.

Video of BLM starting a fire within 100' of corral filled with cattle (neighbor of the Hammond's)
Days after the Hammond's were sentenced as "Arson Terrorists" the BLM started multiple fires that killed and injured cattle, burned homes, fences and power poles and threatened the town of Frenchglen. This video is an update on the Hammond's arrest by Ammon Bundy. Video shows the BLM burning summer grass ranchers needed to feed cattle. The video also shows a BLM employee starting a fire within 100' of a corral filled with cattle
--- End quote ---

maybe I'm completely wrong. I haven't read a single article about it since it happened, just saw headlines and a few thumbnails. No clue if it was violent or if they had lawyers at the front... But it stinks of something manipulative.

Just got my gas/elec bill through and it was £178. I basically had a hernia becase our usual payments are £68 a month. Spent half an hour stressing and working it all out, and the realised that bill was for 3 months worth, and I was actually £80 in credit.

Don't read bills first thing in the morning.


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