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New Random Thoughts Thread

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--- Quote from: Dr. Steve Brule on May 04, 2016, 07:34:01 AM ---
--- Quote from: hugh. on May 04, 2016, 07:26:52 AM ---Car insurance in Ireland has gone through the roof lately. Got quoted €8200 yearly for my 1.5 Honda. Fuck that.

I do have an urge for a Peugeot 106 Rallye though but they still want €5000 to cover me
. :(

--- End quote ---

8200?!? Christ almighty. How much for something like a new Merc / Audi?

--- End quote ---

On my mums 2010 BMW 320d. I'm a  21 year old male.

For those that don't know, third party coverage doesn't even cover the car. If I hit someone, they're medical bills/ car repair bills are covered. If I put the car in a ditch and write it off, I'm shit out of luck.

Dr. Steve Brule:
How does that even make sense? In the UK £1500 is pricey, 14k is fucked.

It seems to be a combination of private insurance companies being greedy cunts and us regular folk paying for all the insurance scammers that claim €20k plus in whiplash cases. Even my dads premium increased by more than 50% this year and he's 61.

Unfortunately now this causes people to just drive without insurance which is only making the problem worse.

For reference im a student working part time and make less than €11k a year before taxes.  Most of which pays for education.

Robbing bastards! Not to rub it in but I pay just over £300 a year on my Audi A4 Avant, and it was £270 before I moved house last year.

My insurance is about $70/week. Full comprehensive, $2k excess if I crash.


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