yes ben, looks sick! do they have the same old aod geo or a shorter back end?
back end is 13.5 i think, and headtube is 75 so its a bit different.
this swap happened today, i feel a bit gutted i didn't have the money to just buy the big4s but ah well. what's done is done and they feel close enough

do you know what the score is with the make scerbo style bars in the works? also i saw ben ward posting what looks like a remake of the og gt bars, good to see the bob bar legacy shall continue
Ben, that frame looks amazing. Are you going to hook up brakes or go brakeless?
i will eventually put brakes on, i switch them out from time to time. ive got some black tyres, and gonna put my fubars back on when i want to brake cos theyre a bit wider than my 10s. also need to un camo the forks, it was raining yesterday morning and i wanted to get it built quick but didnt dare bring nitromorse into the house hahha
feels super solid (i got new headset and bb, plus a marmoset front a few weeks back so that could also be a factor), only issue so far is with 2.1 tyres, the gap between the wishbone and tyre is massive and i nearly ripped my big toe off braking last night. its deffos designed for new school super fat tyres