
Author Topic: BEWARE MY BLUE BROTHER!!  (Read 37376 times)

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« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2015, 08:14:01 PM »
I won't lie, he pissed me off on Vital by picking up a frame, that was very well priced...but I knew what it was flip. Needless to say I contacted him and the price had gone up...substantially.

If you want to flip, then flip, but STFU about makes you look like "Shitfuck bmx" instead...

And btw, Shitfuck BMX is mine, patent pending...

Offline DontcallmeKenneth

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« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2015, 11:26:26 PM »
He probably burned the wrong person, and now is probably laying low.

Offline skateparkrider

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« Reply #17 on: March 18, 2015, 05:31:14 AM »
I won't lie, he pissed me off on Vital by picking up a frame, that was very well priced...but I knew what it was flip. Needless to say I contacted him and the price had gone up...substantially.

If you want to flip, then flip, but STFU about makes you look like "Shitfuck bmx" instead...

And btw, Shitfuck BMX is mine, patent pending...

Shitfuck BMX.  Noted.   


He probably burned the wrong person, and now is probably laying low.
He posted up some grips in the swap meet section on the Museum the other day (surprise!!!  They were over priced!!).  Nobody even made a comment.  Pretty sure it is a safe bet that nobody wants to go near this dude at the moment.  ITS LIKE HE HAS AIDS OR SOMETHING
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Offline RDB

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« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2015, 06:33:53 AM »
Shouldn't give hash a bad name...

AssRash BMX


Offline Mario.villegas90

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« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2015, 09:22:09 AM »

Offline Dr. Steve Brule

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Quote from: i am hollywood;3458649
The Ezra 'Q' freecoaster should be out in time to put on your 2012 christmas list

Offline skateparkrider

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« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2015, 10:08:16 AM »
HA!  I remember when he was doing all of his "custom colors" on stuff.  Sure, dude.  I'll pay extra money for you to make parts look like garbage!  HAHA.  "Galaxy effect"   GTFO of here with that bull shit! 

There was another good one.... but I can't find it.  Something about some rims that he essentially clear coated some glitter onto.  Seriously hilarious. 
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« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2015, 07:07:53 PM »
$110 for a set of used cranks that have been recoated in what looks like a clear/glitter type deal, seems legit  :o
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Offline Prodigal Son

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« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2015, 10:25:34 PM »
Profile did have some kooky bass boat finish. It didn't look like it was going to attract ants though

Offline Mario.villegas90

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« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2015, 08:38:14 PM »
He is back over at vital.

Offline skateparkrider

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« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2015, 10:59:15 AM »
Saw that.

Dude is a tool.
Quote from: bluemeate;3457724
session a quarter everyday!

Offline robinson79

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« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2015, 11:59:10 AM »
Hi Everybody!  :D

The baseless accusations, opinions, and slander are aimed at me. I'm not hiding or conducting myself without ethics in any way and I'm comfortable in saying that publicly.

What I do is very evident and public. I buy stuff online and sell it locally. You can find me at  . People can choose whether or not to sell stuff to me, it is their choice. They can also choose whether or not to buy stuff from me.

Bobby Parker made a claim that I sold another seller a wheel that had an issue. I was never notified of any issues with a driver on a wheel that I sold. If I was notified by the buyer it would have resulted in a full refund and a returned item or another resolution to a buyers preference. I offer a guarantee on all products that I resell and if I overlooked a detail like like a driver issue, I expect an adult seller to contact me about it so we can remedy the situation. I accept all returns just like any business would for products that have issues with them.

Bobby Parker is a person who has named them self Skateparkrider in various forums. He also has a moniker of BikesRfun or something of the like. He at one point was employed in the BMX industry and has some very strong feelings about me personally but like he has said himself before online and he continues to boast about publicly, he has no information to validate any of his claims and so they are all baseless. He has chosen to make it his mission to try and smear me but it's not working, in fact its been helping as so many of my references and repeat customers come rushing to reinforce their appreciation for our mutually beneficial and repeat business transactions. Both sellers and buyers have noted to me personally and publicly that this Parker hate campaign is ridiculous and that they have my full support. They continue to buy things from me and sell things to me. I appreciate all of my customers, I cannot do what I do without my sellers and I appreciate them greatly too, and I conduct myself ethically and respectfully to all involved.

Bobby has never not been paid by me and he repeatedly to this day tries to sell me things in every single one of my WTB threads he chimes in trying to sell me things. HE IS CURRENTLY ACTIVELY TRYING TO SELL ME THINGS TO THIS DAY. TODAY ON A WTB HE TRIED TO SELL ME THINGS. Why would he do this? Trolling? Trying to trap me into some weird situation? It's awkward and I have asked him to stop contacting me but he continues to do so. I have actually asked him publically and privately to please stop contacting me but he continues to do so. This is a warning sign that there is more too this, it makes me question his motives even more, and it just feels unsafe and weird. At this point I feel compelled to give a public warning about his disregard for my request that he stop contacting me and that I feel it's constituting as harassment now that he continues to do it weeks after he first started.

I bought tons and tons of great gear from him and I paid immediately in the past and he always shipped on time with items as described.

He's never bought anything from me to my memory but we have traded. Basically he called me a liar publically about some WTB/Gifting stuff, I called him on his baseless claim and publicly asked for an apology, and it went downhill from there as far as his conduct goes. Since then he's been embarrassing himself online and pretending he's an ambassador for BMX riders world wide to protect them from the scourge that is me buying bmx parts and selling them locally.

I'm convinced he has a personality disorder of some sort and that engaging him is counter productive. This will be the last time I defend myself on these matters because it's pretty much a waste of everybody's time including Bobby's whether or not he realizes it. His campaign of slander and hateful remarks has not resulted in any loss of sales, in any damage to my reputation, and it has in no way interrupted me in meeting my goals. It's not working Bobby. The internet trolling is a complete waste of your time, you're embarrassing yourself, it's time to hang up your spurs and give it up.

Like another member here said, I have perfect feedback on the museum and I have dozens of people visit me weekly in Austin to purchase items or build up completes. They all leave pleased. Every person I buy from online voluntarily sells me stuff and they make decisions on whether or not they approve of the terms. They are all paid immediately and it's all voluntary. Bobby seems to imply theres coersion or unethical tactics going on but that's absurd and baseless so I'm not going to go over that again and again like he seems to be baiting me to do. He also keeps bringing up his claim that I'm lying about sponsoring local riders with free gear. I have sponsored several kids this year with free frames forks bars to get them on full chromoly. Bobby took personal offense that I wanted some beater T1 rides to put these kids on, and he launched a hate campaign as a result. Like I said, I sponsor kids who ride hard with good full chromo gear, and I'm a good person for helping them out. The accussation that this is a lie is preposturous and it's just absurd to entertain the idea. I give back to my community on a daily basis through my service of children with disabilities as well as the local bmx community by importing tons of great used gear to the Austin Texas area.

I'm actually in the process of registering the business. I work 60 hour weeks in public education and local bmx deals combined and so if I disappear from my presence in online forums for a couple of weeks, or if someone like Bobby sours the experience of being a member in an online community, my temporary absence is my prerogative. His perception of me being Usery of BMX is absurd, baseless, and hateful. He is the only one complaining. He is the one with the problem not me.

On that note, I've only been in this forum a couple of times and I've never actually purchased or sold here. His hate campaign against has resulted in some increased site traffic so I have that to be thankful for. For the record, I do purchase items for personal use and for gifting as well as for resale. The primary purpose of my online purchasing is local resale and it's no secret. Bobby Parker has a personal vendetta that's not founded in any justified motive. He feels entitled to be DEFENDER OF BMX and protect all you innocent sellers from the big mean buyer. It's absurd. If you'd like to sell me stuff great, if not, that's ok too. All sales are on mutually agreeable terms and I'm very comfortable in saying that I've done nothing wrong and also in stating that the campaign of online slander and hating from Bobby Parker has actually won me more fans than it has created haters. I came out on top with this and although it has been truly annoying it hasn't been a distraction from my goals and I am reaching them, ethically, with everyones help and I appreciate all of you.


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« Reply #29 on: March 21, 2015, 01:45:33 PM »
Well, that couldve been about 5 paragraphs shorter. - Bike maintenance for BMX'ers

« Reply #29 on: March 21, 2015, 01:45:33 PM »



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