The Street > The Lounge

Smartphone or GoPro for lazy filming?

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Hey gang,

I'd like to clock some footage just for fun this summer. Looking to do it as cheaply as possible. Homies say Gopro is pretty legit and has what you need to get started.

Do you think it might be even cheaper to invest in like a Samsung galaxy X and use the camera off there?
what are your opinions on the quickest/cheapest/best way to get started filming an amateur edit?

looking to spend > 200
i have a pretty decent laptop (lenovo t430u) that should be alright for editing id think. 4g ram, I5, blahvlah linux

You can do much more with a smart phone, but a go pro is cool as well, personally I use contour.

I like my GoPro.

I know for the iPhone there are accesories to add fisheye to them. That way you can shoot long and fish.

i got an iphone fisheye, wide angle and macro lens set for $4 off ebay. only downside is you have to stick a little metal ring onto the phone to use them (it comes with the lenses though), so depends if you can handle having a phone with the metal ring stuck to it

theres cheaper gopro clones out now too which are like 1/4 of the price and can shoot full 1080. i doubt theyre as good as the real things but if your gonna compress to youtube anyway and dont wanna spend much, theyre ideal


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